The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs

Big Build for Scottish Young Farmers - Target £1,000,000

We are Scotland’s largest rural youth organisation with over 3,500 members and provide a social network full of opportunities to meet new people, share new experiences and grow your skills across the arts, rural and agri, personal development and sport.

In 2025 we will build a new for home for young farmers at the Royal Highland Showground, this will replace the existing building which is no longer fit for purpose and for which renovating is just not an option.   The new building will be used for the Royal Highland Show and other events in the YF calander as well as providing an event space for other organisations - which in turn will generate an income for young farmers.  

As a thank you for donations recieved a donor's board will be erected within the new centre.  All donations revieved over £200 will feature on the wall. 


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